Monday 18 April 2011

Monday 18th April 2011

I just wanted to let you know...

I went to the breast consultant last week. I have got to wait 3 months before any reduction will take place. This is because it will fail if we try to carry out the reduction mammoplasty now. I am obviously very frustrated but on the other hand want it to be successful so would rather wait and get it right.

The consultant said I would be referred to a plastic surgeon and then my case would be treated like those women who are awaiting reconstruction surgery so I shouldn't have to go on a waiting list. This makes me feel slightly better. He said it is a medical condition that affects you pathologically and will be treated with the seriousness it deserves. He assured me he would get me restored to my former self so I am totally beholden to him now.... Next appointment is in July so countdown begins now.

I have had some regression since giving birth but hardly anything to write home about. They are still very heavy and have now drooped even further down my abdomen. The skin is very lumpy and bumpy and extremely saggy - it looks hideous and I am still unable to fit in any of my tops.The skin is so stretched and I feel very uncomfortable all the time. This lovely weather is not helping as I have nothing to wear that doesn't draw attention to their strange shape and enormous size. I think the next few months are going to be even harder then I thought....


  1. As I said in my last post, you could be a millionaire or you can throw it away.

    Instead of being ashamed be proud you are different. Use it to your advantage, have them write up a case on you, have pictures made sell them, and then in 3 month get your reduction and live in obscurity, but then you would mave made a million dollars or pounds....and be living a very nice life.

    Or you can toss it all away.

  2. I see what you are saying but to be honest when I did try to contact a couple of media channels to try to raise awareness of this condition they were not interested at all. That is why I have set up this blog as no-one else seems bothered to find out anything about it.

    It would be nice to gain something positive from this but to be honest I would not want this to be portrayed in a sleazy way and I am not very confident that it would be portrayed any other way.

    My local hospital has prepared a case study on me - primarily because they have never seen anything like this before and are interested in researching for their own purposes.

    Thanks for your interest in this blog.
