Saturday, 16 July 2011

Saturday 16th July 2011

This week I saw my consultant who unfortunately has confirmed that I am still unable to go through to the reduction stage.

Apparently he can tell that there is still too much hormonal activity occuring within the breast due to the heat, hardness and discolouration in both breasts. So not the best news ever but he once again confirmed that I would be sorted out. His reasoning is that to operate now means that there could be mass problems with milk leakage which would prevent a neat scar and if we operated too early could result in a mastectomy which obviously is not what any of us want. He says that it will be best to wait another 6 months and get it right than to do now and have it all go drastically wrong. I know if I was on the outside in I would urge someone else to take his advice and do as he says - its just hard when you are living with this to see it that way but I do totally appreciate he has my best interests at heart.

On the plus side he has agreed to let me go and see the plastic surgeon to talk about the surgery and at least that way I feel like we are moving forwards rather than at stalemate if that makes sense!

The bestest thing ever though is that he has agreed to perform the surgery that will cut the nerves etc which will prevent this from re-occuring during pregnancy again. He assures me that it won't, but at the moment I am not sure if I want to take that risk however at least I have that choice!

So even though it didn't feel like I was getting anywhere at least we finally have some positives. Hopefully I can muddle through the next 6 months and hopefully have some good news regarding surgery in the new year. Lets keep everything crossed then!!

Finally, I have had some negative comments regarding whether or not I can technically say I have suffered with Gigantomastia. They have been hard to read but all I can say is that myself, my doctors and my nearest and dearest know the truth and just how tough this has been. My intention has been only to create some recognition and understanding for this condition and had hoped that fellow sufferes could all stick together. It seems that may not be the case but I would only ask that nobody make judgement until they have put themselves in my shoes first.

I will keep you updated - if anyone is still interested!!!


  1. Hi! I wanna ask if you found a solution to stop the increasing of the dents in your shoulders in the meantime. Do you wear some pads under your bra straps? Did you find the right combination of sizes between band size and cup size now? They say that if you reduce the band size and increase the cup size instead, then the weight of your breasts is carried more by your back than by your shoulders.

  2. Hi and thanks for your comments!

    I did purchase some pads designed to wear underneath the bra straps on my shoulders however I was finding that the weight of my chest was still pulling the bra strap tightly down on the pad and was still causing dents so unfortunately didn't work for me.

    Luckily I have been able to get the correct band size to match the cup size I need however I am getting indents on my rib cage now and am finding that the skin is breaking and thinning in that area now too. I think its just the weight of my chest pressing down on the wire which in turn presses into my skin. I shouldn't really wear underwired bras but I just find that when facing the public they help the appearance of my chest and so I feel slightly more comfortable when out and about! I wear my sports bras to bed though as I cannot bear to be without any kind of support.

    I am currently wearing a reduced band size and larger cup size than before. It does actually help with the shoulders but unfortunately I am suffering more with my back now!! It seems that whatever I do to help one area only triggers something else off in another area! I am actually going to see if I can get another bra tomorrow as the skin is so sore around my rib cage at the moment and it is too warm here at the moment to keep putting cotton padding underneath my bra, so hopefully I can sort something out!!

    I really appreciate you contacting me with your helpful comments - it means alot to me. Can I ask if you have had or know of anyone with this condition?

  3. Well, I digressed a bit into the topic about how important perseverance really is. There is another bit of knowledge, which I read at a discussion site that simply vanished some months ago. There was a woman with really huge breasts. She didn't want to reduce them because she didn't want to lose nipple sensation (she was in a dilemma to seriously weigh up the pros and cons of keeping them like they are or to reduce them). She was of the opinion that every gram of body fat would increase the discomfort, so she tried to keep her body slim and muscular (muscles help to hold the additional weight that comes with huge breasts and reduce the pain).

    Another thing could be immediately helpful for you: She balanced the burden of her huge breasts over time (again, we are concerned with the factor of time). She had two types of bras. One type of bra held her breasts high (breasts at chest level like women with normal or small breasts do when they are wearing a push-up bra), the other type of bra held her breasts low (then she looked pregnant). She wore one type of bra at fifty percent of the time when she wore a bra. At the other fifty percent, she wore the other type of bra. Her active principle was that thus she spread the burden of her breasts on different spots of her body over time.

    If you want to adapt this active principle to your situation, then you could find out at how much different variations you can spread the burden of your breasts on your body over time. This means wearing different types of bra. When you wear another bra at night than by day, then you already made a good start. According to the philosophy of that woman, you should less look for the perfect bra but more look for as much different types of bra as possible to balance the burden as optimal as possible.

  4. There is a bug in this comment module. My first part of the comment became vanished. I will post it again.

  5. Something is wrong with this comment module. I will post the vanished part tomorrow if it hadn't reappeared in the meantime.

  6. I will give it another trial and try to part part 1 into 2 extra parts.

  7. Hi! Actually, I know nobody in person with this condition. But, I read all the information about this what I can find at the Internet. I learned a lot about this. Over the years, the women with this condition come into the Internet and go away some months later for different reasons. Sometimes, they post their experiences and what they found out to be helpful for their condition, and then for example the whole platform disappears together with all the information that was collected. In other cases they lose interest or they are fed up with some horny idiots who can't stop molesting them. The result is that persons like you come and go even with the same idea to create a platform where fellow sufferers can exchange their experiences and knowledge about how to deal with this condition and where this condition can be made known to the wider public. Persons like you are simply separated by time.

    You have the chance to decide if you want to let this continue for the next ten, twenty or hundred years or if you want to change this. You seem to be exposed to a very high level of suffering. If you are like the majority of people who are suffering due to a big problem like you, then you will probably fall into the following pattern: You fight with all your power. You create a platform like this here at blogspot. Finally (possibly 6 months from now) the doctors will solve your problem and you will get your reduction. Then 12 more months will elapse while you are still motivated enough to change something so that other persons later with this problem will have it a bit easier to deal with it. If you are a bit better than the average people, then you will have the perseverance to pursue your project for two years, but then you will lose interest, because your problem is solved long ago, and your priorities in life simply change. Soon your blog with all your collected experiences and knowledge will disappear and the next person beeing confronted with your problem will start from the beginning. This is the pattern most people on planet earth obviously fall into.

  8. If you want to be very good, if you want to belong to a really small minority, a minority with true perseverance, then you should decide in favor of the other option. This option means first of all: Stay the course for the next ten or twenty years. I don't know if you even WANT this, if you WANT to deal with your condition after you got through it. But I'm convinced that only this, if you persevere, only this would actually change something so that persons with your problem at a later time would get more help than you today.
    So, in case you choose to really change something, then you should keep your blog for at least ten years. If at all a person is suitable to start such kind of project and keep it running, then it should be a person who is exposed to a very high level of suffering, like you. This, and a high degree of perseverance is required.

    Women with your condition are definitely out there in the world. But since gigantomastia is really rare, it takes some time until they find your site or until they get confronted with your problem (factor of time). But time is on your side: More Women with your condition will have an Internet connection. You just have to be patient and vigilant. Just wait until someone with your problem gets the same idea like you and then you are two, then three, and so on. But even then keep in mind, that only few people have the perseverance to actively run a project once their problem is solved. This may also apply to all the people you will gather around you. Again, if you are really serious about your project, then you will be the person who will be confronted with the largest amount of effort. I know this, and I believe that every person who starts a project like this should know it to be prepared enough to gather enough will power to bring a project like this to a successful conclusion.

  9. Yeah! It worked! Just don't post much more than 2000 characters per comment.

  10. I contacted two women who claim to suffer from gigantomastia too. I gave them the link to your site. In case of luck, they could try to contact you somehow if they are interested. If they are not interested, then we should forget it and wait for other chances to do something useful.

  11. Hi! Me again. There is a forum that came into my mind. It is still active, and women discuss breast related topics there. Among other things, it is about breast reduction and the time before and after this.

    Do you know this site?

    Are you interested in the URLs of other sites like that?

  12. Hi,

    Thanks for all your advice! I appreciate you spending the time to comment.

    I am definitely interested in other URL's and websites and will definitely look up the one you recommended above.

    I totally get what you say about perserverance and must admit thought it weird that I could find no platforms on the web from other women who have been through this condition. That is why I seriously do want to make a difference during and even after my situation is (hopefully!) resolved. I really don't know if I can make a difference but I am certainly willing to try to keep this going as long as I can. I just feel it is important to get the general public aware of this and even to certain extents the medical profession too - you would not believe how many midwives etc in my area had never even heard of this condition. That is why I am also looking into contacting various medical journals in this country to see if they would be interested in hearing about my experiences and maybe running some features in these journals to hopefully raise awareness. I don't know if you are based here in the UK or the US but here in the UK there is hardly any awareness of this problem at all. Many of my friends etc think it is vital that I try to keep this blog going as it may help just one person now or years in the future understand and accept what is going on within their body. I am not on here everyday but I do try to keep it updated and would be thrilled if people were to come on here for help, support or just to contact people who understand what they are going through. I guess at the moment I am waiting to see how much feedback I get as well and hopefully can build this site based on that! Even if my situation is resolved I would still be interested to hear other people's experiences and can hopefully be their proof that you can get through this - it may take time but I am hoping to be able to stand there and say it can be gotten through so let's keep everything crossed I can. My counsellor said my idea for this site is very inspiring and that she feels I CAN do this.

    I would love to hear from those 2 women who say they have gigantomastia but obviously only if they seriously would like to add something positive to this site.
    Thanks again for your help - keep in touch. I think its great that you have taken an interest in this condition but haven't had it!! Can I ask your name and a bit about yourself - only if you have time. It seems mad us chatting like this but not knowing who you are!

  13. I do not know why I am not able to post anything here anymore

  14. Weird. That worked. Perhaps the software doesn't like e-mail addresses? Then, I will post it immediately to be able to keep in touch without this stupid software: yourpersonalguide at web dot de

    It can't be so difficult to post helpful information here, can't it? This will not be the first time that I will trick stupid software like this.

  15. Managed. Now I will try to post my comments.

  16. Hi,

    Let's start with the other sites I know. BHO will be the best site for your situation I think. That's why I mentioned it first.

    Here are some few additional breast related forums. Trouble is that this list is not very large, because most of forums like these don't stay in the Internet for a long time as I said before.

    "forum dot breasttalk dot co dot uk"
    It's dead, but there were some women talking about VBH, gigantomastia and macromastia a long time ago. Some of the persons there may be fake, but some of them should be real. Get your own picture about this if you like. Look a bit around this site ("www dot breasttalk dot co dot uk" too) to increase the chance that you will find something useful there.

    "en dot wikipedia dot org slash wiki slash Experience_Project"
    First, you should carefully read the Wikipedia article and understand the history behind EP. Only then go to the Experience Project site and face the reality. EP is rather volatile. Some women with huge breasts come, get upset after a while and then go away. Some of their stories also vanish when they go. Some other, more patient women with huge breasts stay there. The trouble is that you never know who of them are fake and who of them are real. By then at the latest, you will learn that some idiots appear as fakes to get in touch with real women like you to harass them with their dirty fantasy later. This is a fact you should learn about the Internet. But, if you know about this, then you can find out strategies to get benefits from sites like EP anyway.

  17. Hi! I created my own blog with the name respond2mygigantomastiadiary to post my comments there. I did not think that it is so terribly complicated to write something here.

  18. Hi just to say I have had to post the reply on my blog as it was telling me unable to post on your site so I apologise if this has come through a few times!

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