Saturday, 13 August 2011

Saturday 13th August 2011

I just want to say a massive thankyou to all who have been posting positive, helpful comments on my blog. It really has been trememdously comforting to receive some support and appreciate all your comments. I appreciate you taking the time to follow my blog so thank you.

As for me - there still has been no return of my cycle. I am now having to go for more blood tests as my doctor feels we just need to see if my prolactin levels are in fact coming down. It may be that we just need to keep a check on these for the time being before any further investigations are done.

I have been given some website addresses to peruse which I am hoping to investigate further in the next few weeks. I have to work doing this around the baby so I will be in touch with further news/developments regarding these as soon as I am able.

I have now purchased another bra - this time a 28J - this doesn't fit that well however the wire does not dig in so much to my skin like the 30K! I just have a bit of overspill over the top of the bra!! To be honest the best fitting bra is a full cup bra however these ones do push my boobs to the side again and I get that awful over-hang look at the sides which just enhances the size of my chest. I don't feel so comfortable when out in public wearing that so find it easier to wear the ones that push me together at the front to make things less noticeable! Comfort wise they are not great but at least it helps me mentally when out and about if that makes sense. The sports bra is great for sleeping in and just lounging at home but again offers not much lift or support (which is surprising for a sports bra!). I am now wearing 3 different sizes and style bra but do find this is helpful for weight distribution and therefore helps comfort-wise! The pain is not always on my back it can be moved to my shoulders etc - its still painful but at least I can give the areas a rest from time to time!

I am hoping to be given some pointers as to reading some case-studies too so hopefully can keep you posted on that too.

I missed counselling this week which has made me a little grumpy due to babysitting probs but got another session in 2 weeks instead so looking forward to another off-load!

I have been writing my experience into words - I would love to try to get it into book form but feel I am being way too over-ambitious - however it is therapeutic - a little like this blog! I think this condition is just too rare to garner that much interest but what do you guys think?

I have also been experiencing real heaviness in my chest after a nights sleep. I haven't had this since my pregnancy so not sure why this has started again. That coupled with my back makes it impossible for me to get out of bed with ease in the morning. It is a really horrible feeling and takes a good 10 minutes to abate.

Well thats all for now - keep all POSITIVE comments coming please!!